February 10, 2013


Words. Words are everywhere. You cannot escape them. They will always be there. But what are they really? Do we really understand them? We use, see, read, and hear thousands upon thousands of words daily. But what are words?

When spoken, in any and all languages, they are nothing but a compilation of random noises that we can make with our mouths to represent an object, emotion, action, and many other things. When written or typed they are nothing but random lines, shapes, and scribbles, to represent the item that a random noise has been assigned to. That's all they are! Who decided that we would call hot flames "fire"? Or that the yellow, orange, and red flickers of light should be called a "flame"? Or that a brightness that comes from the flickering flames should be called "light"?? I could go on and on and on... 

Words are things that have always fascinated me. They are the ultimate contortionist; flexible, variable, able to adhere to any and all positions fathomable. Yet, while being so pliable and supple they are in the same exact instant rendered permanent, rigid, solid, and immovable. It is quite the phenomenon to behold. It is a spectacle worthy to keep even the greatest minds in a state of steadfast confusion and contemplation.

Words have the potential to be honey of the tongue. A few correct combinations of our random noises has the astonishing ability lift some one's spirits to the point that even if they are on the brink of death, they're broken body is struggling to power its life juices, dreadful pain has beset them, they can feel like they can accomplish, overcome, and be anything. And in that instant, they can! Words can bring an unfathomable amount of comfort, peace, love, adoration, and so many marvelously wonderful and positive emotions, emotions that are unarguably essential to a fulfilling and meaningful human existence. What would life be without these emotions? A dark and dismal place.

While they have the potential to give life, words also have the destructive power to take it. Words can hurt more than shattered bones, lacerated skin, and a mangled body ever could. They have the capacity to cause more mental and emotional torture and havoc than the racks of a dungeon. One strategically placed word with the aim to be excruciating can leave ones soul writhing in anguish.

Words linger. Once said, they can never be retrieved. Never. One can genuinely apologize for words that were hastily thrown during an argument, words that were meant to cause pain. But, an apology is not going to stop the victim from replaying those words in their mind over and over like a broken record. They will hear those hurtful words like a dagger in their back every time they are feeling down, every time they are having a bad day, and every time someone else jolts them with a painful stimulus of remembering.

Can you see how incredible they are? Do you share in my wonder, fascination, and amazement?

I have hardly scratched the surface of my deep feelings on the enormity and grander of words in this post. But that is not the point I want to make. I want to impress upon you, my dear reader, to think of what you are creating with your words. Every single word you will ever say, no matter how insignificant you may think it is, builds something. It can be building your reputation, building your confidence, building the spirit and moral of others, building strong and powerful walls of resentment, building a positive or negative relationship (any person you have ever met you have a relationship ((of some kind)) with), or building a foundation for any number of possibilities. Words are building. Always building. Does that worry you? Do you feel like what you have built is what you want representing you? If you don't like it.. Change. Words never go away, but in some cases they can be replaced to some degree. Start replacing your negative words with positive ones. It wont be a tit-for-tat situation though, so don't expect that. It will take many positive words to replace just one negative, but don't you think it is worth it?

What are you building with your words? Do you need to start replacing and rebuilding?

I know I do.

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