December 15, 2012

Any takers?

Come away with me in the night 
Come away with me
And I will write you a song.
Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us
With their lies
I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
So wont you try to come?
Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you.
And i want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe in your arms
So all I ask for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me!
I like to doodle and quote Nora Jones lyrics.

Fall Semester 2012

I don't have as many pictures of this semester because I didn't do AS much. But I still had a blast! Here is a little view of my second semester and the completion of my first year of college!

We "watched" conference together!
This was a bush on the first day of October. Ridiculous.
I got to sit in a plane that flew in World War II and is now in the Smithsonian Museum! It was pretty solid. (:
Yes. 3 inches of snow, on green leaves. Awesome.
Sorry it is sideways. I am struggle-busing it today. But this was probably the highlight of my semester. Nay. My year! We drove to Blackfoot (in a blizzard) and waited in line for about an hour (in a blizzard). Then we rocked to three of the most amazing performances ever!! I was able to sing along to every song, scream until my voice was gone, dance until I was dizzy, and laugh until I cried on the way home. It doesn't say so on the ticket but Parachute also played at this concert. Parachute, All-American Rejects, and Boys Like Girls?! I would definitely go again. No hesitation.
We made Ugly Christmas sweaters for a party.. Man, they were ugly!
Countless Diet Coke runs with Brooke and Victoria. I'm going to miss these girls dearly!!
Several Batman marathons.
That was basically all of the semesters pictures. Sad. But true. I am going to miss my roommates, but great things await us all. Peace out. 

December 13, 2012

One Down

As of today I have officially completed my first year of college. It has been an amazing and growing experience for me. I have learned independence, responsibility, money management, the value of possessions, and I am a very restless individual. I am almost positive that I am not going to be returning to school in the Spring, but instead traveling to Europe. It is something that I have always wanted to do and now is the best time for me to do something like this. I am not in a serious relationship, I have no children and I am not committed to anything at this point in my life. School is great, but I need a break. I need a cultural change. I need a location change. I feel extremely restless and like I am missing something in my life. I feel like that thing is travel. I need more experiences. I really need to see more of the world. I need to spread my wings. I still intend on getting my bachelors degree, but I am not positive as to when I will get it. No plans are completely set in stone, but my heart is aching for Europe and totally rejecting and dreading the idea of another semester.


Technology is so much fun, but we can drown in our technology. The fog of information can drive out knowledge.
-Daniel J Boorstin

    When I was younger I was an avid reader. I could read about 120 pages an hour, easy (depending on the material of course). I loved it. I was incredibly blessed to have an overwhelming abundance of incredible literature at my fingertips, an outstanding educational upbringing, as well as an amazing set of parents who gave me opportunities on end to become exposed to great works, of all kinds. I could get entirely lost in the pages of Austen, Tolkien, Rowling, Porter, Dickens, Hugo, and so many others. When I would put whatever I was currently devouring down I would have to regain a sense of reality because I had been to engrossed in the life of Daniel Deronda or Eponine that it was almost a mini culture shock to come back. I loved reading about the lives of others. I felt genuine connections with them, almost like I was in their presence through out the story. I felt their emotions as if they were my own. I felt the rush and butterflies that Elizabeth got when she saw Mr. Darcy in the meadow that early morning. I endured the heat of scorn on Hester's cheeks, as she was publicly humiliated for her mistakes. I was burdened with the sorrow, panic, paranoia, and despair of Raskolnikov as a consequence of his gruesome deeds. I lived vicariously through these classics. I learned essential lessons of faith, humility, the true meaning of love and sacrifice, loyalty, and a great deal more than I could ever adequately put into words. I could read and read. Never stopping. Never wanting to. There was many a night when one of my parents would be doing the usual 2 am child-check would find me wide eyed and excited with my nose buried in a book, instead of sleeping. There were many nights where my precious books were used as a threat against me. If I didn't go to sleep they would take them away. That horrific trick would usually encourage me to reluctantly close my preferred reality, turn out my lamp, close my eyes, and pull the covers up--at least until mom or dad were upstairs again. Then I would eagerly pop right back up and continue where I left off. I could never get enough. I flew through book after book, story after story. My passion could never be quenched. I adored turning pages. Then something tragic took place. Something that I wish had never happened. I got a Facebook account. After that I somehow changed my very way of life. In my free time instead of clasping my mind onto the trials of Oedipus, I was more concerned with checking my Facebook account and seeing who has posted what and who had "liked" my pictures. Why? Why would I rather know that Austin is bored at work and Kate broke up with Josh than know the work that Jurgis had to endure in New York and that Jane did the right thing and left Mr. Rochester?! Isn't that absurd?? What is my generations fascination with screens and social networking?
      Relationships are failing, grades are dropping, lives are deteriorating. Why? So that we can stare at a piece of glass or plastic that lights up. It is a tragedy of the upcoming generation and is something that needs to be stopped. Why would we rather text someone for hours on end when we could simply call and have the same message and conversation portrayed in a more personal and real manner? We like to hide behind our screens. It takes away a lot of the risks of having a one on one conversation or discussion with someone. We are less likely to get into an uncomfortable situation that way. Less likely to get caught off guard, less likely to be vulnerable. Or at least that's how we justify it. I did a small survey with several of my close friends and the average time they spent on a social network averaged 2-3 hours a day. Added up that is about 21 hours a week, 2.8 days a month 33.6 days a year. That is over one months time online. How sad! What could we be doing in that time? Who could we be serving? What real relationships could we be nurturing? What could we be discovering? Tragic.
      I personally have several social networking accounts. I have email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pintrest accounts. I didn't feel like I was addicted to my screens or networks, so I did an experiment and I went through my laptop and signed out of all of my accounts, I went through my iTouch and deleted all of my social apps, and I went through my phone and blocked texting capabilities (temporarily) to see how long I could last. Within 2 days I was texting again. I lasted a little longer on the social networking sites but it was still only a little over a week until I caved in an re-downloaded apps and signed back in. Even now I am quite disgusted with myself. Why couldn't I stay away? Because I--like so many others--have become addicted to screens. There I said it. They say that the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem, right? Well here it goes. Hi. My name is Hailey and I have an addiction to staring at screens instead of developing real relationships, developing myself intellectually, and accomplishing the greatness I am meant to achieve.
      I am craving desperately to be reunited with my dear friends in my favorite books, as well as make new ones in new adventures. Why did I ever let a screen (which is bad for your eyes) get in the way of a book (which is amazing for your mind)? All I can say is that enough is enough. I am taking back my life and my education from all those social networks that I have allowed to consume on me.

December 12, 2012

Finals Week

 Finals Poem:
Twas the night before finals,
And all through the college,
The students were praying
For last minute knowledge.

Most were quite sleepy,
But none touched their beds,
While visions of essays
Danced in their heads.

Out in the taverns,
A few were still drinking,
And hoping that liquor
Would loosen up their thinking.

In my own room,
I had been pacing,
And dreading exams
I soon would be facing.

My roommate was speechless,
Her nose in her books,
And my comments to her
drew unfriendly looks.

I drained all the coffee,
And brewed a new pot,
No longer caring that
my nerves were shot.

I stared at my notes,
But my thoughts were muddy,
My eyes went ablur,
I just couldn't study.

"Some pizza might help,"
I said with a shiver,
But each place I called
Refused to deliver.

I'd nearly concluded
That life was too cruel,
With futures depending
On grades had in school.

When all of a sudden,
our door opened wide,
And Patron Saint Put It Off
Ambled inside.

His spirit was careless,
His manner was mellow,
All of a sudden,
He started to bellow.

"On Cliff notes, on Crib Notes
On last year Exams.
On Wingit and Slingit
And Last Minute Crams."

His message delivered
he vanished from sight.
But we heard him laughing
Outside in the night.

Your teachers have pegged you
So just do your best.
Happy Finals to All
And to all a Good Test.

There is a reason that the word studying has dying at the end. stuDYING!!! 4 exams down, 3 still to go. I am so ready for this semester to be over, done, complete, finished, and all other words that mean I don't have school anymore for a while. A quote from the Hunger Games is circulating campus right now (slightly modified) and is it "May the curve be ever in your favor". SO true. So to anyone who has finals left this week "may the curve be ever in your favor". Peace out.